-Grito y escucha, mira por qué, la historia oculta de los terroristas, es decir, los gobiernos y los partidos políticos inventados contra nosotros, contra la libertad en el Planeta Tierra. Y dime por qué? La Historia de la Disnastía Rothschild ('Completo' en Español).-Get and listen, see why, the hidden history of terrorists, that is, governments and political parties invented against us, against freedom on Planet Earth. And tell me why? The History of the Rothschild Dynastic ('Complete' in Spanish)
-Grupo de Luciu Constantin ¿Quién está de acuerdo conmigo en ,,Unirse contra el terrorismo"?.-Group of Luciu Constantin Who agrees with me on ,, Unite against terrorism "? https://www.facebook.com/groups/221490418495906/?source_id=1516466745137438
Para todos los anónimos en el Planeta Tierra.Thank you for your friendship. Nathan M. Rotschild ha compartido una publicación. en 19 de septiembre de 2016 -La fábrica de dolares y oro para basurero de o...oof Luciu Constantin en FORO ANONYMOUS ESPAÑA ,,No estamos a la izquierda, no estamos a la derecha. Somos los de abajo y vamos por los de arriba" Para todos los anónimos en el Planeta Tierra.Thank you for your friendship.
-Terrorists, that's meaning Governments and all political people in the parties where they do ... in which they operate ... speak well to the audience, but without seeing and listening, politicians suck dicks and fuck in the ass, One and the other (excuse for you) Me and others like me are weird and we talk perversely and gregariously, but we do good things for those around us, that is, for Planet Earth. We all have wrong ideas, but we say reality in face. We do not lie, people decide what is good and true to do what they can, for a free and beautiful life that terrorists want to kill us. Terrorists want to have a beautiful and free life just for themselves. And we clearly take what we do seriously.
-Due to the chief terrorist and teacher crime aurora head of the Autosescoles Montesó -Tortosa - Tarragona, I did ICTUS because I was stressed, smoked a lot and drank a lot of coffee. Psychological terrorism is - the head of corruption is a terrorist aurora, the doctor and the nurse, are terrorists. We are going to help you. (I'm against teacher Aurora head of the Autosescoles Montesó -Tortosa - Tarragona, of the lie and those who protect the lie The laws of each game, -says teacher-, The school is not a game - a total confusion - It is an institution sacred for learning and the point.) - for aurora terrorist, doctor and nurse and for psychological terrorists The doctors of Tarragona stress me and are terrorists and criminals.- (,, I have a twisted little cock. grows straight and big "-for the girl?! - Family Medicine Doctor is called R.RIPOLLES - est-el Temple / 03 / EAP Tortosa 1) -and I thank you for the forwarding-
Friends do not look at you ... They'll forget you ... (I think)
-Grito y escucha, mira por qué, la historia oculta de los terroristas, es decir, los gobiernos y los partidos políticos inventados contra nosotros, contra la libertad en el Planeta Tierra. Y dime por qué? La Historia de la Disnastía Rothschild ('Completo' en Español).-Get and listen, see why, the hidden history of terrorists, that is, governments and political parties invented against us, against freedom on Planet Earth. And tell me why? The History of the Rothschild Dynastic ('Complete' in Spanish) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHcWNPqAv4Y
-Entre minuto, las 2:14 y las 2:15 se escucha una voz de alegría y felicidad y dice: ,,Live Cataluña" !?!?¿!¿"-!!- (,,Comunidad autónoma española") -!!-?!?¿!¿-!!-
Videos of the HORROR de l'1-O that I did not even know existed (8 minuts) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ab1c1u-KoU
Nr.-1- carta a DGT-Tarragona- EL JEFE PROVINCIAL DE TRAFICO Nr ...Nr.-1- letter to DGT-Tarragona- THE PROVINCIAL HEAD OF TRAFFIC Nr ...
AUDIO 1 secreto Grabar audio despues examen,Costel y maestra ...AUDIO 1 secret Record audio after exam, Costel and teacher ...
AUDIO 2 secreto Grabar audio despues examen,Costel y maestra Aurora, JEFA Autoescuela Montesó, Tortosa (Tarragona) amplif.n7.-AUDIO 2 secret Record audio after exam, Costel and teacher Aurora, JEFA Driving school Montesó, Tortosa (Tarragona) amplif.n7
(legión) - con siglas - Somos anonymous. Somos legion. no - Blogspot.-(legion) - with acronyms - We are anonymous. We are legion. no - Blogspot
http://cartaabiertaparaanonymous.blogspot.com/Buena suerte DGT ayuda jefa terrorista y exterminadores, en Tortosa copiar y pegar el enlace en Google+, disculpas y gracias.-Good luck DGT help terrorist boss and exterminators, in Tortosa copy and paste the link in Google+, apologies and thanks dgtayudajefaterroristayexterminadores.blogspot.com/ costelviseaza@gmail.com lossueñosdecostel@gmail.com ,,Yo tengo el derecho a mentir, usted está como obligado a comprobar y verificar" - cualquiera - incluso si eres pastor con ovejas y cabras - o alguien como yo, una mierda. ,,Un buen hombre no perdona" - (Costel L.C. ciudadano como usted) - el enlace en Google+.-,, I have the right to lie, you are bound to check and verify "- anyone - even if you are a shepherd with sheep and goats - or someone like me, crap. ,, A good man does not forgive" - (Costel LC citizen like you) - the link in Google+
DerechosHumanos.net De los derechos fundamentales y las libertades públicas
Art. 15 Derecho a la vida y a la integridad física y moral.
- Prohibición de la tortura, penas y tratos inhumanos o degradantes.
Art. 15 Right to life and to physical and moral integrity.
- Prohibition of torture, punishments and inhuman or degrading treatment.
¿El Papa Francisco en un Ritual illuminati Extraño Comportamiento COMPARTE VIDEO MuchosEnigmas.-Pope Francis in a Ritual illuminati Strange Behavior SHARE VIDEO Many Enigmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRj3wgIVsM8
Para todos los anónimos en el Planeta Tierra.Thank you for your friendship.
Buena suerte -Muchas gracias!! y Gracias por tu amistadI love you ... bully ...Te amo ... matón ...
I have nothing to say...No tengo nada que decir...
Thanks for being great...Gracias por ser genial... !¿Porque eso es lo que quiero !?-!!- Imágenes de -!!-¿!,,Unidos contra el terrorismo"!?-!!-¿Quién está de acuerdo conmigo en ,,Unirse contra el terrorismo"? Para todos los anónimos en el Planeta Tierra.Thank you for your friendship.-For all anonymous people on Planet Earth. Thank you for your friendship https://cartaabiertaparaanonymous.blogspot.com/2018/08/para-todos-los-anonimos-en-el-planeta.html
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